Project Details – Wallpaper and Roman Blinds for office

Brand(s) used – Voyage Maison

We recently decorated a new office building just down the road from our showroom with wallpaper and remote control roman blinds.

Our new neighbours, an accountancy business, wanted a country feel to their office space. To achieve this, we helped them choose a stunning wallpaper from Voyage Maison that features a fun and vibrant design with accents of neon colours. This wallpaper is a modern take on traditional country style, with cows and trees adorning the print.

We also installed electric Roman blinds in a Voyage Maison fabric to add to the overall aesthetic. For a better look, check out the video below!

We made their roman blinds motorised!

Elaine’s new office is now not only functional but also stylish and inviting, thanks to the addition of the colourful Roman Blinds. The remote-controlled feature of the blinds has made it much easier for Elaine to adjust the lighting in her office to suit her needs, while also adding an extra layer of security by removing the need for cords or chains that could be a potential hazard.

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