There is no quicker way to transform a room.
Wallpaper is essential in any decor scheme, whether planning a complete makeover or simply looking to enhance your current furnishings and accessories. With various colours, patterns, and textures, it can instantly transform a room and create a unique atmosphere. Whether you prefer bold and daring designs or subtle and understated styles, you will find one that suits your taste and complements your existing decor.
Abundance of books
We have over 100 wallpaper books available in-store, ensuring that we have the perfect one for you. Regardless of your design preference or the style of your home, we offer a wide range of options that will capture your vision and enhance your home’s décor.
decorative choice
So whether you’re looking to make a bold statement or add some subtle texture to your walls, wallpaper is a timeless and versatile option to help you achieve your desired look and feel.
Contract Wallpaper
Interior Inspirations stocks a range of contract wallpaper for commercial properties.
They are simply large sheets of fabric-backed vinyl made explicitly for commercial spaces such as hotels, distilleries, offices, large corridors, conference rooms, senior living facilities, etc.
Due to commercial buildings having larger rooms in general compared to residency homes, the wallpaper we supply is a minimum of 1.30 wide.
wear and tear
Designed for more wear and tear and large numbers of people, furniture, equipment, and suitcases bumping into it, commercial properties require heavier-duty wallpapers.
If you were to put regular wallpaper, like the one you’d put in your bathroom or kitchen, in a building hallway, it would be torn and scratched beyond recognition in days.